Khan Academy Videos for Mathematics
- Ohio Graduation Test

All Tests are Copyright by the Ohio Department of Education

This is a beta version and you may encounter issues as you use this service. The goal of this project is to include all of the various types of questions on the Mathematics subject portion of the Ohio Graduation Test along with video(s) necessary to solve each question. Currently, it includes all of the Spring 2009 test questions and an assortment of videos.

Hopefully, Ohio students and teachers will find this service to be beneficial. Your video contributions are welcome....(read more)

Question 1
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Question: 1

OGT Test: Spring 2009

Relevant Videos:
Reading Line Graphs [2:21],
Histograms [6:08],
Reading Pie Charts (Circle Graph) [3:09],
Reading Box-and-Whisker Plots [3:18]



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Question 1
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Question: 2

OGT Test: Spring 2009

Relevant Videos:
Basic Linear Function [2:42]



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Question 1
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Question: 3

OGT Test: Spring 2009

Relevant Videos:
Angle Basics [6:49],
Angles (Part 2) [9:05],
Proof - Corresponding Angle Equivalence Implies Parallel Lines [5:18],
Angles of parallel lines 2 [5:15]



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Question 1
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Question: 4

OGT Test: Spring 2009

Relevant Videos:
Simple Probability [2:56],
Simple Probability (non-Khan video) [1:44]



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Question 1
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Question: 5

OGT Test: Spring 2009

Relevant Videos:
Cylinder Volume and Surface Area [8:07]



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Question 1
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Question: 6

OGT Test: Spring 2009

Relevant Videos:
Scientific Notation 1 [5:33]



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Question 1
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Question: 7

OGT Test: Spring 2009

Relevant Videos:
Nets for solid shapes (non-Khan) [7:29],
Nets for solid shapes (non-Khan) [2:09]



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Question 1
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Question: 8

OGT Test: Spring 2009

Relevant Videos:
Basic Linear Function [2:42]



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Question 1
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Question: 9

OGT Test: Spring 2009

Relevant Videos:
Perimeter and Area Basics [8:25],
Perimeter and Area of a Non-Standard Polygon [3:03],
Area and Perimeter [12:20]



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Question 1
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Question: 16

OGT Test: Spring 2009

Relevant Videos:
Average or Central Tendency: Arithmetic Mean, Median, and Mode [9:01]



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Question 1
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Question: 17

OGT Test: Spring 2009

Relevant Videos:
Equations of Sequence Patterns [8:36],
Finding the 100th Term in a Sequence [5:57]



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Question 1
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Question: 18

OGT Test: Spring 2009

Relevant Videos:
The Coordinate Plane [6:50]



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Question 1
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Question: 19

OGT Test: Spring 2009

Relevant Videos:
Converting Fractions to Decimals Example [2:17],
Approximating Square Roots [7:12]



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Question 1
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Question: 20

OGT Test: Spring 2009

Relevant Videos:
Testing a solution for a system of equations [2:38]



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Question 1
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Question: 21

OGT Test: Spring 2009

Relevant Videos:
Patterns in Sequences 1 [2:32]



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Question 1
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Question: 22

OGT Test: Spring 2009

Relevant Videos:
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Question 1
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Question: 23

OGT Test: Spring 2009

Relevant Videos:
The Coordinate Plane [6:50],
Quadrilateral Overview [8:24]



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Question 1
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Question: 24

OGT Test: Spring 2009

Relevant Videos:
Solid Geometry Volume [3:56]



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Question 1
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Question: 25

OGT Test: Spring 2009

Relevant Videos:
Equations of Sequence Patterns [8:36]



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Question 1
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Question: 26

OGT Test: Spring 2009

Relevant Videos:
Combinations (non-Khan video) [11:25],
Specific Spot in Previous Video for Combinations (non-Khan video) [1:48]



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Question 1
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Question: 27

OGT Test: Spring 2009

Relevant Videos:
Writing Proportions [5:51]



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Question 1
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Question: 28

OGT Test: Spring 2009

Relevant Videos:
Equations with Variables on Both Sides [9:28]



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Question 1
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Question: 29

OGT Test: Spring 2009

Relevant Videos:
Intro to 30-60-90 Triangles : A few more 45-45-90 examples and an intr [9:40]



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Question 1
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Question: 30

OGT Test: Spring 2009

Relevant Videos:
System of Equations [9:57]



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Question 1
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Question: 31

OGT Test: Spring 2009

Relevant Videos:
Average or Central Tendency: Arithmetic Mean, Median, and Mode [9:01]



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Question 1
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Question: 32

OGT Test: Spring 2009

Relevant Videos:
Solid Geometry Volume [3:56]



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Question 1
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Question: 33

OGT Test: Spring 2009

Relevant Videos:
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Question 1
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Question: 34

OGT Test: Spring 2009

Relevant Videos:
Percent Problems [14:15]



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Question 1
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Question: 35

OGT Test: Spring 2009

Relevant Videos:
Equations of Sequence Pattern [8:36],
Statistics - Scatterplots (non-Khan video) [3:09]



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Question 1
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Question: 36

OGT Test: Spring 2009

Relevant Videos:
CA Geometry: Basic Trigonometry [11:04]



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Question 1
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Question: 37

OGT Test: Spring 2009

Relevant Videos:
Simple Equations [11:06]



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Question 1
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Question: 38

OGT Test: Spring 2009

Relevant Videos:
Reading Bar Graphs [2:59]



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Question 1
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Question: 39

OGT Test: Spring 2009

Relevant Videos:
Area and Perimeter [12:20]



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Question 1
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Question: 40

OGT Test: Spring 2009

Relevant Videos:
Linear Transformation examples: Scaling and Reflections [15:13]



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Question 1
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Question: 41

OGT Test: Spring 2009

Relevant Videos:
Simple Equations [11:06]



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Question 1
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Question: 42

OGT Test: Spring 2009

Relevant Videos:
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Question 1
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Question: 43

OGT Test: Spring 2009

Relevant Videos:
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Question 1
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Question: 44

OGT Test: Spring 2009

Relevant Videos:
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Frequently Asked Questions
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Why did you create this service? This project was under consideration since writing the 2010 edition of The Top Academic Ohio High School report. After seeing the excitement that my friends had about the CBS 60 Minutes segment on Khan Academy, I thought that the time was right. I also liked the idea of trying another way to boost OGT results.

How many questions are included? Currently, all of the posted ones from the March 2009 test are included. Obtaining a large number of questions is not the goal -- I want all of the various types of questions and the videos necessary to solve those questions. To view the tests for the last few years, click on the following links: March 2008 Test, March 2007 Test, March 2006 Test, and
March 2005 Test.

How did you identify the current videos? I enlisted the help of my daughter and her friend. I even found a few. To make this work in the future, I will need to enlist the help of others, especially teachers, to identify the best videos. If you have other favorites, please click on contribute.
